How long do damaged facial nerves take to heal?

If you have recently experienced facial paralysis or Bell’s palsy, you may be wondering how long it will take for your facial nerves to heal. While the healing process differs, certain factors can affect recovery time. Let’s look at what causes damage to facial nerves and how long they typically take to heal.

What Causes Damage to Facial Nerves?

Facial nerve damage can be a difficult and frustrating condition to deal with. It can cause various symptoms, including weakness, paralysis, and changes in facial appearance. In severe cases, the damage can affect the ability to eat, speak, and breathe normally. Thankfully, the prognosis for facial nerve damage is generally good. Most people can recover at least some function on the affected side of their face. However, the length of time it takes for the nerve to heal and for the facial part to return can vary depending on the severity of the damage and the underlying cause.

The Healing Process

One of the critical factors that can affect the healing time for a damaged facial nerve is the extent of the damage. In general, the more severe the injury, the longer it will take for the nerve to heal. For example, if the nerve has been completely severed or crushed, it may be more difficult to regenerate, and surgery may be necessary to repair the damage. In these cases, the healing process can take several weeks or months.

Another factor that can affect the healing time for a damaged facial nerve is the underlying cause of the damage. In some cases, the nerve may be damaged due to an infection, such as Bell’s palsy caused by the herpes simplex virus. Frequently, the nerve may regenerate independently, and the symptoms may improve over time. In other cases, the nerve may be damaged by a traumatic injury, such as a skull fracture, which may require surgery to repair. In these cases, the healing process can take longer, and it may be more difficult to regain full facial function.


Overall, the length of time it takes for a damaged facial nerve to heal can vary depending on the individual and the specific circumstances of their injury. While most people can recover at least some function in the affected side of their face, the exact amount of time it will take for the nerve to heal and for the facial function to return will depend on the severity of the damage and the underlying cause. It is essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment and to monitor your progress as you heal. With proper care and treatment, most people can recover from facial nerve damage and regain a significant degree of facial function.

To support your treatment, we also recommend practicing facial exercises. Try out our FaceRehab app for free or consult online with specialized doctors.

Rehabilitation Plans for Bell’s Palsy & TMJ 

Looking to improve your facial muscle strength and mobility? FaceRehab is here to help! Our app provides interactive exercises, massages and tracks your progress with your facial asymmetry.

Plus, with the convenience of tracking your progress on your phone, you can take your facial exercise routine with you wherever you go. Download FaceRehab now and start your journey to a stronger, healthier face.

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