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FaceRehab is a revolutionary mobile application designed by a team of expert therapists and specialized doctors. It offers a range of facial exercises…

Bell’s Palsy is a sudden, temporary weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles that can cause a range of symptoms such as drooping…

Facial palsy can be a debilitating condition, causing weakness or paralysis in the face and impacting your ability to perform everyday tasks. One…

If you have been diagnosed with facial palsy, you may have noticed that your symptoms have worsened over time. This can be a…

If you have been diagnosed with facial palsy, it is important to understand the type of facial palsy that you have. This information…

If you have been diagnosed with facial palsy, you may feel anxious and uncertain about your future. However, it is essential to know…

Facial palsy can cause several complications for children, including the inability to close their eyes properly. This can be particularly painful and disruptive,…

Facial palsy can cause several complications, including the inability to close your eye or eyes properly. This can be particularly painful and disruptive,…

Facial pain is a lesser-known symptom of facial palsy, but it can be just as debilitating as other symptoms. While the facial nerve…
Buďte fit s aplikáciou FaceRehab: Aplikácia na cvičenie tváre
Chcete zlepšiť silu a pohyblivosť svalov tváre? FaceRehab je tu, aby vám pomohol! Naša aplikácia poskytuje interaktívne cvičenia a sleduje váš pokrok od samého začiatku, až pokým nevrátime váš úsmev späť.
Navyše, vďaka pohodlnému sledovaniu pokroku priamo v telefóne, si môžete zacvičiť kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek. Stiahnite si FaceRehab a začnite svoju cestu k silnejšej a zdravšej tvári už dnes.