Effective Eye Taping Techniques for Adults with Facial Palsy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Facial palsy can cause several complications, including the inability to close your eye or eyes properly. This can be particularly painful and disruptive, especially during sleep. Fortunately, there is a solution: eye taping.

Effective Eye Taping Techniques


When taping your eye closed, it is essential to use the correct type of tape. We recommend using Siltape for eyelid taping overnight as it is more gentle to remove. To use Siltape, follow these steps:

  1. Close your eye with your finger, hold it closed
  2. Apply the tape and press down from the inner eye to the outer eye to avoid creating air pockets.


Another tape that can be used is Transpore. This tape is 2.5cm wide and can be ordered by your pharmacist. If the bottom eyelid is dropped or turning out, taping it may help. To tape the lower lid, follow these steps:

  1. Cut or tear a piece of tape slightly longer than the width of the eye
  2. Apply it to the inner corner of the lower eyelid
  3. Lift the lower lid with the finger
  4. Stick the outer end down to hold the lower eyelid up.

Manipulating with a tape

To tape, the upper lid closed for sleeping, take another piece of tape the same width. Before applying the tape, apply any nighttime ointment or gel. Follow these steps to tape the upper lid:

  1. Look down and help the eye close with the back of your finger.
  2. Apply the tape from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye in a horizontal direction, ensuring it extends beyond the width of the eyebrow.
  3. Ensure that the eyelid is fully closed
  4. The tape should firmly cover the entire eye area on the upper lid.

When removing the tape, carefully peel the skin away from the tape rather than the other way around. If your eye specialist has recommended you use eye drops or ointment such as sacrilege, be aware that excess ointment may prevent the tape from sticking properly. It is best to consult your eye specialist for eye care in such cases.


While taping your eye closed may seem daunting at first, with the proper techniques and materials, it can be a simple and effective solution to the discomfort and pain caused by facial palsy. For additional support and guidance with facial palsy, we recommend downloading the FaceRehab App or consulting with a specialist at our clinic to ensure proper eye-taping techniques and overall care.

Rehabilitation Plans for Bell’s Palsy & TMJ 

Looking to improve your facial muscle strength and mobility? FaceRehab is here to help! Our app provides interactive exercises, massages and tracks your progress with your facial asymmetry.

Plus, with the convenience of tracking your progress on your phone, you can take your facial exercise routine with you wherever you go. Download FaceRehab now and start your journey to a stronger, healthier face.

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